The Healers of the World…Mothers of the Earth.

Happy Mothers Day!!! 🌸 I have a list of Mothers that I would like to thank for making such a tremendous impact in my life! Because without them I would be no where near who I am if it wasn’t for them!!! -Maria, My birth Mom, Thank you for doing the ultimate sacrifice of giving [...]


Last night after finding the answers I needed about mind went at 100pmh...and this was the fruit that it produced. I hope it brings you healing. >>>Sensitive Topic- Please only read what your heart can take <<< How I overcame thoughts of suicide... There was a moment in my life where I realized that [...]

God’s Shield of LOVE… Accept it.

I was wanting to share a funny story today but I will share about how God’s shield of love just protected me...10mins ago. I decided to do my part in taking a walk for Ahmaud today...well as I was walking around my neighborhood and a little description (there’s not much excitement here usually)... Well on [...]

Wounds of the PAST…Choose HEALING!

If you have been a victim of abuse, it was not your fault. - their heart lacked love. If you have been a victim of sexual abuse - it was not your fault- their heart lacked love. If your soul has been sucked out of you. It is not your fault, they needed your love. [...]

Will Freedom…Continue?

Life as we know it, will possibly not be the same once all this ends. Not sure if “freedom” will exist like it once did. Not sure of what will happen to the elderly, the sick and the unprivileged. Knowing that the health care system before all of this was already in shambles and to [...]

Deleting SNAPCHAT for 3YRS… and why I LIKED IT.

I don't quite remember what influenced my decision to do this, but I know that my energy was being exhausted from all the other interactions I had with other social media accounts I was using. Minimizing my energy and time spent on Snapchat made me realize the amount of influence it had in my life. [...]

Are we FREE to be HUMANS?

Think about what is to the soul purpose of being a human... to me what comes to mind is cultivating a positive connection within one another, and in that connection we create. (Vise versa).... that is why it's important to pay attention to your intuition so that you don't go down a path of negativity. [...]